Wednesday, May 7, 2008


How do you process emotional trauma? Blogging is a recent phenomena that seems to meet that need. I have noticed that different blogs have different themes. Some, like mine, discuss issues. Most are windows into the daily activities of the blogger. Some focus on babies, or pets, or politics. CNN had an interesting article about the therapy of blogging. Writing about a traumatic experience seems to help the blogger find at least some closure. Who blogs the most, introverts or extroverts? Would it make a difference if you knew you had no readers? Would a large audience encourage you to blog more frequently? If you don't have a blog, why not? Is it lack of time? Perhaps you are intimidated by having others read your grammer mistakes. Maybe you just don't like to write. According to the above article, there are about 12 million bloggers in the United States. That means about 230 million don't blog. Which group are you in, and why?


Anonymous said...

I blog because I like having the outlet. I write down things I am thinking and I don't have to think them anymore.

If I had an audience it would be cool. But not having one is fine as well. Less people to offend that way.

ROD said...

Hi Micah
I don't think your blog is offensive. Keep up the good work.

Lin said...

Blogging is very therapeutic for me. Combination of getting thots and feelings down on paper where one can "see" them and being heard