Sunday, May 13, 2007


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Never underestimate the power of Nancy Drew. Ayaan Hirsi Ali read not only Nancy Drew mysteries as a child, but also English classics from the 19th century. They planted a seed of freedom that later gave her the inner strength to break away from an Islamic upbringing. This book is the story of that journey to inner freedom, which resulted in her fleeing to Europe and settling in Holland.

This book is captivating, because it is a window into the Islamic pattern of thinking. It causes me to ask questions. How would I as a man react if I were raised in that environment? Would I view women as second class citizens? In the Islamic culture men have all the power. Being part of the power base, would I be content in my power, or would I have compassion for the weak?

Are there any parallel situations in my culture? Are there any citizens that have no power? Women seem to be making progress in the work force today, although we read about the “glass ceiling” that they bump against in the business world. Racism seems to be on the wane, although there is still plenty of it around. Abortion is probably the most obvious example, since there is nothing more helpless than an unborn child.

Are there any patterns of thinking in Western culture that prevent me from clearly discerning the truth? Islamic culture certainly has preconceived ideas about life that causes them to make what we consider erroneous decisions. They are apparent throughout this book. What are my preconceived ideas, and what actions do they lead to?

Have you ever had your eyes suddenly opened to an error in your priorities or lifestyle? Did you change, or would the cost have been too great? For Ayaan Hirsi Ali, it was worth leaving her family and her culture. Would you do the same?


Anonymous said...

It is amazing the power that books hold. Isn't it interesting that when a government is trying to suppress freedom, books are burned?

Bill Williams said...

Great post, Rod! You might find this post to be of interest:
