Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Recently Lin and I watched this video.  It is available on Hulu at no cost.  Basically they emphasize the advantages of a plant based diet.  I suggest you watch it and take from it what fits your goals.  Those in the video are totally vegan.  In other words, they eat no meat of any kind including fish, and no dairy products.  I like the plant based emphasis, but their logic to avoid fish and chicken doesn't hold up.  Also, there is no way I'll give up eating a reasonable amount of dairy.  The most compelling information on this video is what happens when a country's diet starts trending toward the fast food of the developed nations.  Consequently, Lin and I are a lot more aware of the advantages of plant based eating, and the importance of moderating our intake of foods such as red meat, milk, cheese, and concentrated sweets.  Watch the video, and tell me your impressions.


Anonymous said...

It's Debra (of the Henderson family). Just found your blog. Just want to comment briefly on my diet and what I believe is right: Plant-based is best. I eat most of my food raw, sprout my own wheat (which I dry and grind into flour), juice 25 lbs carrots/wk, eat 3-6 organic eggs/day, drink up to half gallon raw goat milk/day plus 8 oz raw cheese that I make and cream if I have it. I love sour (goat) milk.I sprout sesame seed and make tahini milk if I don't have raw milk.
I don't eat after 3:00 pm. This is recent and has done wonders for my digestion.
So, I basically eat ALOT of bread, cheese, milk and eggs...but it's all pure and clean. I know, doesn't sound very plant based. It is, though, aside from the eggs/milk.
I buy nothing in a box, can or bottle.
My kids love to eat this way, and believe it or not it's way, way simple and extremely satisfying.
We can't be afraid of fat (it's probably 50-75% of my diet, and I eat alot). We just have to be careful where our fat comes from, and then we can safely eat as much as we want. I'm 52 and have zero aches/pains/health problems and at 5'6" weigh 114 lbs consistently.
I definitely am opposed to the idea of being completely vegan, although I lean towards high fruitarianism in the summer months).
Fish is rare, if ever. All other meat is out.
Just wanted to share my dietary beliefs/habits. Looking forward to reading more of your blog.

Anonymous said...

That sounds like an interesting diet. We still eat some meat, but mostly veggies. I don't blog too much; mostly FB and twitter.