Wednesday, April 15, 2009


We spent a few days in the sun. I had to come back for work, while Lin remained behind. I'll join her again shortly. It's been about 30 years since we have been apart for any length of time. You don't realize how your lives become intertwined. Consequently, I've been thinking about the ramifications of separation. When my mom passed away, Dad told me it was hard to read the mail by himself. They had a routine, and his role was to look at each envelope, and hand it to her to open. He really missed that. I told Lin that I miss her telling me she is hungry, and me telling her what she wants to eat. Somehow, I know. It makes me realize that the pain of separation cannot happen without first experiencing the joy of togetherness. I feel grieved for those that cannot experience the pain of separation because they have no one with which to experience the joy of oneness. I think I have a better understanding now of what the Bible means when it says "the two shall become one." Have you experienced the joy of oneness, or the pain of separation? Was it temporary, or permanent?

1 comment:

Lin said...

I love being with you but the separation is torture! Guess we are spoiled having each other so much..."separation makes the heart grow fonder"? Maybe only if you like being together in the first place?
I were married to some people I would probably welcome the break!