Friday, May 25, 2007


Lin’s book club recently read this book. The author is C.S. Lewis. Like many great books for children, it has within it keys of eternal truth. Because of the symbolism, I think adults enjoy it more than their kids. It is only one of the seven Chronicles of Narnia, and recounts the beginnings of Narnia. It is in this volume that you learn the origins of the White Witch, and how she came to enter Narnia at the time of its creation. The story centers on the adventures of two British children. It’s a better read if you imagine British accents when they speak with each other. Lewis has a way of captivating my imagination like few authors can. Tolkien comes close, but Lewis is the king, in my opinion.

I won’t give away the plot, but be prepared to see parallels to the character and attributes of the Judeo-Christian God, along with themes of obedience, self-control, and destiny.


Matthew Celestine said...

Imagining British accents is easy for me.

I actually find it hard to imagine Yank bloggers speaking in American accents. When I read blogs, I always think in a British accent.

God Bless


ROD said...

I read yours in an American accent, and I think with an American accent too! Next time I vist your blog I'll make a point to think British.