Saturday, May 21, 2011


When it comes to keeping up with the Jones', be a contrarian. This is a popular word in the financial world, usually referring to someone who sells stocks when everyone else is buying, and buying when others are selling. I'm using it in the same way, but in the context of consumerism.

The world is spending, so I will not spend. The slogan "You deserve a break today" is targeted at you, the consumer. What they are really saying is treat yourself right by eating at McDonalds. A contrarian would hear that slogan and say, "I'm an independent thinker and will not be sucked in to cheap advertising." If you do eat at McDonalds, do it on your own terms; not theirs.

My problem is that I think I am immune, but the next day find that my actions tell me otherwise. Being a contrarian is a state of mind. In the 70s the most visable contrarians were the hippies driving VW buses. Some of them even rejected cleanliness. They made a whole subculture out of it. Now we are mainstream grandparents.

Remember the reason for being a contrarian is to start on the road to financial freedom. Small decisions have lasting consequences. Passing up a latte and taking your own thermos to work can make a substantial financial difference after a few years, even though it seems inconsequential now.

One way to strengthen your resolve is to picture yourself as a nonconformist. Deliberately choose what you will conform to. Hopefully you will choose cleanliness, unlike the early hippies. Honesty is another good trait. As you review all the values of your peers, it will become apparent what to avoid and what to embrace.

Don't be overly concerned about your image. If you worry about what others think, stop it. Get your kudos from the knowledge that you are making wise financial decisions. That is much more rewarding than outward appearance. I like the cat picture. Cats do what they want, when they want to. They don't care what others think. Be a cat, but not at the expense of others.

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