Thursday, August 6, 2009


(photos by son in law Dan Holcomb)
Dad did pass on. He was only sick for about 3 days. We were all grateful that he did not have to suffer. We had a small graveside service in Coquille. Not too many attended; he had outlived most of his friends. The service was one of hope. That's what I like about Christian funerals. There is always so much hope and joy, and we know we will see him again. He had a long, full life. You can go back to my blog entries last year and read more details. I'll miss picking him up for coffee every afternoon.

1 comment:

Bethany said...

Grandpa was such a sweet man. I love hearing about his life and his background.

I am realizing how important it is to keep talking about loved ones after they pass away. Sharing memories of them helps to celebrate their life! I don't want them to be forgotten.