Wednesday, February 14, 2007


I had a revelation today while sitting at the dentist’s office. I was staring up at the ceiling with my eyes half closed. Soft music wafted out of the speaker directly above me. The technician was gently and carefully scraping along my gum line. I could hear the soothing sound of a high speed drill coming from the next room. I was having difficulty not falling asleep. And then it came to me! Why not make a CD with soft music accompanied by the occasional whir of a dental drill? You could even throw in a well-timed moan once in a while! My mind started to spin with the marketing possibilities. I could contact psychologists and get mailing lists of patients with dentist phobias! They could listen to my CD while going to sleep at night and at the same time would be making true progress in their battle to conquer a fear that had plagued them since childhood. (Not to mention the cavities begging to be filled in thousands of phobic mouths.) Everyone knows, of course, that if you have a fear of going to the dentist, you are only scratching the surface of what is really wrong with you. Most people who fear the dentist are also constantly looking over their shoulder. After all, if the dental profession cannot be trusted, no one can. For example, what does the pharmacist do behind that counter? Did you ever wonder why they won’t let you watch? Don’t ask. Tim Conway started it all with his dental skit. That skit did for dentistry what Bambi did for hunting. Anyway, what a marketing opportunity it could be. If you agree, send me $20. I only need a thousand people to join.


Erin said...

Hey, I'm going to the dentist tomorrow! Maybe I can practice by listening to that soundtrack. Brilliant idea, by the way.

ROD said...

Glad you liked the idea. Focus on the soothing sound of the high-pitched drill.

Anonymous said...

Hello Rod, wonderful musings, and now I'm going to add my question into the mix... how do you spell the sound of the dentist drill?

Anonymous said...

Please! How is a poor nervous person supposed RECOVER from surviving a dentist procedure if even their gentle jazz is a punctuated with terror!
Surely you jest my love. Come to think of it you're "jest always a jesting".

I know your humor gets more attention but I love your deeper thots and wisdom more!

Yes, JR et al., there are those of us yet to set up a blog, but who has the time or ego?
Someone has to plan life, do some serious worrying and praying, make everyone else's dreams come true, and think deep thots in the bathtub at the end of such days. Mom/Lin

Anonymous said...

i thoroughly enjoy reading your blog

Anonymous said...

Baby Willett loves your blog Grandpa!! Keep up the good humor and dishing out advice.

Question: How might one go about getting her husband to eat Pineapple? Awaiting your advice!

Anonymous said...

Look! It's Erin's Dad! I have dentist's, I had no idea how many other problems I have though! Thanks a lot! ha-ha
Nice to see you...tell your wife hello for me!

ROD said...

Will do! is that Carol as in Carol G?

Jen, I will answer your pineapple question soon.

Dan, I have no answer on how to spell the sound of a high-speed drill. I am open to suggestions, however.

Anonymous said...

Yep, it's Carol G. You can find me at

George said...

That's a cool idea and will probably help those people with dental phobias. I used to fear going to the dentist until I met a very dedicated and caring Myrtle Beach dentist. Also, he was very gentle that I have never felt any pain with the treatments. I'm sure my dentist (Myrtle Beach-based) will also like this soothing music for all of his patients.

ROD said...

Thanks George, let me know when he wants to order some CDs.


George said...

Sure thing, Rod! Hope all is well with you!